Sunday, June 13, 2010

I figured I'd start a blog because no blogs I've seen talk about what I want to talk about. Blogs are all about celebrities or fashion or moms. Why do so many moms have blogs? I want to talk about like and style and fun stuff like that. You can read what I have to say or just look at the pictures or don't even come here at all. Your choice. First thing's first. I am Jones. I'm a one namer a la madonna. I'll let you guess how old I am. (age ain't nothin but a number)

We'll keep it light for the first post and i'll tell you all about the things i looooveee (as of now)
- 500 days of summer
- a hundred years of solitude

- these

-my glasses
-down pillows

If you want to have a truly great almost-rainy-definitely-cloudy sunday do the following: wake up late, don't shower, have a seltzer and bowl of icecream in bed while watching 500 days of summer, bath, read the times, go out to lunch. done. you'll thank me later